- Russian Empire- continued after the four empires ended in WWI
- rise and fall of empires is a theme of this course
- Peter Great was given for expanding Russia
- what Peter the Great did-pushed back the neighbors that had blocked the expansion of Moscow-Sweden
- Poltava, Poland, Turks, and Swedes are defeated for expansion
- dreamed of capturing Constantinople that would give him control of the straights to black sea
- peter the great was te first of Russian tsars that dreamed of this-
- Azov-access of black sea-lose and are forced to surrender after an unsuccessful
- despite this dramatic expansion of Russian empire, does not get this outlet to the black sea
- Russia's participation in European affairs had been minimal-
- Louis XIV sent a letter to Russian Tsar who had been dead for 12 years because Russia was so out of communication
- after Russian victories began, Europeans began to recognize Peter and began to have a fear of him and Sweden too with Gustavus Adolphus
- There is no other European states expanding their empire overseas that adds as much land to its empire from the 1630-1740’s as Russia
- about 2 million square miles
- first child of father’s second wife
- Boyar threw over nobles
- died in 1725-no strict rules for succession of tsar
- family battle royale
- no foreign minister-
- council of the nobles-met in the throne of nobles-known as Duma
- his absolutism is because of his personality
- opening up of Russia to Euro ideas
- he does this himself
- as a boy he was very smart and into science
- traveled often to Europe
- took archaic structure and transforms it into an absolute monarchy
- common to Hapsburg, France, Sweden
- wants to open up Russia to commerce-wanted wealth for improvement of Russian life
- made Russia a huge military power
- injects European culture
- the tension in Russia between
- peter was at least 6 foot 7-guards of Frederick the Great were Giants because they were six feet tall
- most people were 5 foot 4
- napoleon was the average height of most people in France
- he had extremely small hands and feet and stumbles sometimes when he walked
- odd facial ticks that he could not help-turrets
- torturous-sometimes kept people alive to suffer longer-had people come and watch so that people could be warned not to act up
- executed people himself
- incidents where his merciful side came through as well-when it came to treason he was less likely to be nice
- ex. his son that he tortured
- his second wife was a Latvian peasant maid- the nobles thought it was horrific
- he was capable of playing the role of a tsar but there are more images of him in battered clothing to recognize his struggles
- like the company of ordinary people-identified himself with the common people
- liked to walk, avoided carriages
- commoners were sometimes better dressed than he was
- ate standing up and jumped from table to table to socialize
- liked living in a basic peasant house found in the outskirts of Moscow
- drunken assembly-mock parliament
- getting wasted then making mockery decisions
- saying that being a Tsar is more than just playing the role
- he had to manifest strength, firmness, and bravery
- got to work earliest
- loved maps and geography-self taught
- made spelling mistakes-had bad handwriting
- built a private library with ordinary books and teaching books
- sang religious music and played the drums
- peter wanted a navy-needed a port
- he first built a navy on rivers using Dutch shipmasters from Amsterdam
- learned Dutch in 1696 he went to western Europe incognito to learn military skills
- interested in baroque
- makes nobles junior partners in absolutism
- asked men and women to dress like European and to adopt non-Russian customs for Russia
- tremendous tensions with the church even though he is deeply religious
- some put on western styled wigs
- women began to wear heals
- his son was more under influence of tradition
- plots against his father
- father tortures him
- son dies of a cold after being put in a cell
- weakened
- what lasted was the Europeanization of western culture
- has books translated from west into Russian
- Russian students sent abroad to study at universities
- peter was a son of European rationalism-rationality rather than traditionalism
- not against the church but thought people were wasting their time being monks
- did not serve state or the dynasty
- in Siberia, this empire amounted to little more than a series of trading posts. Peter the great creates this empire that will have great influence after a while
- will have an enormous influence on Asian powers as well
- open up Russia to commerce knowing that trade means wealth
- makes Russia a military power in 17th and early 18th century
- injects euro culture into Russia
- what is Russian that should stay non-secular and what is Russian that should be modified?
- peter is at least 6’7’’--extremely small hands and small feet
- very torturous
- enormous ambivalent to his power-married a Latvian commoner
- boyars-horrified
- sad childhood
- loved sleeping on ships-rocking allowed him to sleep
- he ate peasant food
- had a natural manner-could be considered inappropriate
- liked masquerades
- always took fake names as commoners so that he would look like a peasant
- very interested in the sciences
Monday, January 24, 2011
Peter the Great
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