Analyze the methods and degrees of success of Russian political and social reform from the period of Peter the Great (1689-1725) through Catherine the Great (1762-1796).
1st: brief background info, thesis
2nd: Peter the Great's reign/accomplishments
3rd: Catherine the Great's reign/accomplishments
4th: the ideals that make Peter the Great and Catherine the Great similar and how Peter the Great influenced Catherine the Great
5th: conclusion, wrap up the argument
In 1689, Peter Romanov became the sole ruler of the Russian throne. He worked throughout his reign to make Russia into a country that is updated with the trends of Western Europe. He worked very hard to make Russia a modern and westernized country, and he wanted Russia to become a much stronger country; this is why he became known as Peter the Great. Catherine II became empress of Russia in 1762. She carried on the work that Peter the Great started in modernizing and westernizing Russia. She became known as Catherine the Great because of her similar ideals to Peter the Great and because of her work to bring Russia up to par with the rest of Western Europe. Peter the Great's knowledge of Western European tactics concerning warfare as well as industrial and administrative ideals, along with Catherine the Great being a patron of the arts and her support from the people, made them determined to westernize and modernize Russia, resulting in their reigns being the most influential time periods in Russian history.
When Peter first became sole ruler of Russia, he decided to take this opportunity to travel around Europe gaining knowledge on the administrative and industrial strategies of Western European countries. This made Peter realize how far behind Russia was militarily, politically, and socially. He became determined to modernize and westernize Russia. In 1698, Peter returned to Russia and began his plan to make Russia more like Western European countries. Peter changed the attire of Russian men, created new schools, changed the alphabet as well as the calendar, and changed the royal title from Tsar to Emperor. One of his biggest reforms was moving the capital of Russia from Moscow to St. Petersburg. Peter was an extremely controversial ruler in Russian history, but his reforms began the change from a traditional, conservative Russia into a more modern, westernized Russia.
Catherine became empress of Russia in 1762 when she stole the throne from her husband, Peter III. People all over Russia greatly supported Catherine and her ideas, but this is not the only reason that she is considered the most successful ruler in Russian history. She continued the reforms that Peter the Great began generations earlier. She was a great diplomat of her time period, and she increased central control over the European provinces. Catherine increased Russia's interaction with other European countries as well as the territories held in Central and Eastern Europe. Catherine was also a huge patron for the arts, which encouraged her to found many academies and libraries throughout Russia. She agreed with the ideals of French Encyclopedist, Voltaire. Catherine was so successful because she worked off of the ideas of Peter the Great, which were not completely successful then. Catherine was able to finish the work that Peter the Great started so many years earlier.
Peter the Great and Catherine the Great were able to bring Russia up to par with the rest of Europe. Russia had fallen behind and was much less advanced than other European countries. Peter and Catherine shared the same concepts and ideals. They both truly cared for Russia and wanted it to be successful. They both also wanted Russia to be more modernized and westernized. Peter was able to begin the reforms, but because his ideas were new and different, it was difficult for people to accept them. Catherine was able to successfully finish the reforms that Peter had begun because the ideas were no longer new ideas, and people were getting used to the new way of life. Also, Catherine was greatly supported by the people before she even became empress, which definitely helped her ideas to become successful. Peter made the most extreme reforms in Russia, which allowed Catherine to be able to continue his ideas and also implement her own.
The reigns of Peter the Great and Catherine the Great were considered the most successful in Russian history. They both had similar ideals and tactics on advancing Russia to a new level of success. Peter and Catherine were able to improve the government of Russia as well as their military. They were revolutionists of their time, and they brought ideas to Russia that people had never thought of. At first, during Peter's reign, people could not accept Peter's tactics to change Russia because they were too new and different for them. Catherine was able to continue Peter's reforms and changes during her reign, and the reforms were more successful during her reign because she had the support of the people. Peter the Great was able to gain so much knowledge from his travelling in Western Europe that he was able to use to reform Russia, and Catherine was able to benefit from this knowledge throughout her reign. Peter the Great and Catherine the Great were very determined to modernize and westernize Russia, which lead to their reigns being the most successful.
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