Friday, September 24, 2010

The Reformation Notes

  1. Henry VIII wanted to get divorced the Vatican said "No"
  2. Henry VIII says "Fine then.  I'll split the Church of England"
  3. The Burning Times
    • Ann Boleyn returned to England at age 22 as a sophisticated woman
    • She was not considered to be very beautiful
    • She was extremely charming
    • Henry worked very hard to get Ann.  He wrote many letters to her in order to get her attention.
    • Henry was estranged from his wife Catherine
    • He was convinced that his marriage to Catherine was cursed because she could not have a son to heir the throne
      • She had a daughter named Mary
    • Ann would not be his mistress so he tried to divorce Catherine, but the Vatican would not allow an annulment
    • Ann gave Henry documents from the early Church that proved royal supremacy
    • Henry's ego began to grow so he began to build palaces with large kitchens
    • He was the new Caesar
    • The Church found itself on the wrong side of a nasty argument
    • In 1532 there was a submission of the Clergy.  From now on the laws of the Church would be given by the king.  Henry made divorce be allowed.
    • Ann was soon married to Henry and crowned queen
    • The English Church separated from the Church- The Reformation
  4. It was against the law just to say certain things that the King didn't agree with
  5. King Henry said that he was in charge of the Church of England which is still the Catholic Church just split off from the rest of the Catholic Church
  6. Mary is considered a bastard child
  7. Cromwell solidifies Henry's rule
  8. Anne gave Henry a son whom he actually embraced- Elizabeth
  9. Catherine soon died because of this if Henry died Mary would become the heir
  10. Anne had a miscarriage- a boy
  11. Anne is executed because she cannot produce a boy and Henry marries again
    • She was killed with charges of an adulteress and a disciple of witchcraft
    • Cromwell was against her
    • She has affairs with many different men and they were all executed along with her
  12. Henry married Jane Seymour and she died very soon
    • She had a son named Edward VI
    • She died as a result of childbirth
  13. The Bible was restricted in English
  14. Cromwell was executed for trying to form an alliance with a Lutheran priest
  15. Henry died in 1547
    • Before he dies he legitimizes Mary and Elizabeth so they can be heirs as well
  16. Edward VI was now the King of England
    • He crushed many of the customs that had to do with idolatry in the old Church
    • In 1553 Edward died childless
    • He dies as only a teenager
  17. Mary took over the throne- if she dies Elizabeth would become heir
  18. Mary is Catholic and Elizabeth is Protestant
  19. Mary wants to turn England back into the Catholic Church
  20. The Latin mass was restored
  21. Mary had to produce an heir
  22. It was said that Mary was Spanish at heart and loved a different country better than England
    • She was actually raised outside of England in France
    • She was strictly Catholic in an all Catholic environment
    • Her half brother was actually Protestant
    • She was always an outcast in English society
    • She undermines everything that happened during the Reformation
    • She brings back everything that used to be in the churches before the Reformation
  23. She tells everyone that they have to come back to Catholicism or they will die
  24. She becomes known as the Queen of Scots
  25. Mary I wanted everyone to be Catholic and not Protestant so if they did not convert they were burned
  26. Mary Queen of Scots died childless
    • She was executed for treason against England
    • If she would have had children they would have been the heir rather than Elizabeth
  27. Elizabeth then became Queen
    • She brought the Church back to how it was with Henry and Edward
    • Englishness was celebrated
  28. Catholics were forced to choose between their church and their queen
  29. There was tons of public support for Elizabeth which there wasn't for Mary
  30. Catholicism has vanished from England
  31. Rise of intentions between England and Spain
  32. Spain is the country that the Pope invests a lot of his wealth and influence on
  33. The Pope is going to influence Spain to try to attack England in a war
    • England will prevail
  34. Elizabeth's reign is known for its peace and rise of the arts as well as Englishness that is intertwined with Protestantism
    • This is the age of Shakespeare
    • The great court poets like Philip Sydney
    • Age of exploration and adventure
  35. There were also low points in her reign
    • The English army suffers defeat in Scotland
    • England is at peril with the Spanish navy
  36. Elizabeth had all the qualities it took to be the politician that she was
  37. Elizabeth was accused of being pregnant with the child of Seymour when she was only a teenager
  38. When Mary became queen, Elizabeth was sent to the tower for treason against Mary
  39. Elizabeth was said to have manly power
  40. She was taught the art of rhetoric, public speech
  41. She adored being adored
  42. Cesil was Elizabeth's most important advisor
  43. Dudley was Cesil's rival and everyone believed that he was the one that Elizabeth loved
  44. Dudley was married, but she died
  45. Elizabeth paraded her virginity by wearing her hair down
  46. She gave up the possibility of marrying Dudley
  47. Mary I of England was Elizabeth's half sister, she was not executed
    • She died from a tumor, childless
    • She was succeeded by Elizabeth
  48. Mary Stewart was Queen of Scotland
    • Also called Mary I, but of Scotland rather than England
    • Elizabeth thought of her as a menace
  49. Elizabeth and Mary Queen of Scots were cousins
    • Elizabeth I was the granddaughter of Henry VII and Mary Queen of Scots was great-granddaughter of Henry VII
  50. Mary thought that Elizabeth was illegitimate because of her father's marriage to Anne Boleyn
  51. Mary married Dudley who was a drunk
  52. Mary was in love with her Italian secretary
  53. Mary's love was stabbed and her unborn child was threaten
    • James VI of Scotland was born
  54. Bothwell killed Dudley
  55. Bothwell offered himself for Mary's husband
    • He abducted her and took her to his castle
  56. Mary lost everything because of this
  57. She was considered a prostitute and she had to renounce the throne
  58. James was regnant of Scotland
  59. She was incarcerated in a prison and she seduced the jailer and she escaped from the prison
  60. She traveled to England and Elizabeth was throne into turmoil
  61. Mary was a prisoner
    • She had to kept away from the possibility of rescue
    • She was a magnet for conspiracy
  62. The Catholic North fought the Protestant South
  63. Elizabeth I never gets married and never has children so the Tudor line stops with her and someone who is not Tudor will be King after her
  64. She did not want to relinquish any of her power to a king
  65. The marriages of other queens became alliances with other countries because that is where they were originally from
  66. Elizabeth wanted England to stand on its own by not marrying someone from another country
  67. Mary was accused of plotting to kill Elizabeth and is executed
  68. Elizabeth fights the Spanish and Spain itself goes against England with an immense armada
    • They attack England in a battle where they are destroyed
  69. Spain as a Catholic country is really a puppet of the Pope
    • The Vatican and England have had very tense relations due to the split with Henry VIII
  70. England becomes a Protestant country with Elizabeth
  71. Spain acts as the proxy army for the Vatican against the English
  72. There is a holy war against the Protestants and the Catholics

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